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Boutique Management System project - web-based project

Are you looking for a project for your final project that involves a boutique store management system? Our team is available to assist you. A fabric store is the target of our Boutique Management System large project. Managing all of the activities that take place in a boutique store presents a challenge to the owners of clothes boutiques. Paperwork in pen is crucial in this situation. Therefore, this Boutique Management System final year will be quite helpful in reducing the written paperwork.

It is possible to keep track of the garment specifics, supplier details, client details, billing, sales, reports, and billing generation. One of the most important initiatives for boutique owners would be to manage all of the activity in their stores in a systematic and simple manner. The inventory of available clothing will be updated on a regular basis. They can also get assistance from the Boutique Management System college project in producing records of recurring sales.

The Boutique Management System project's main features include:

  • Customer database: This system can be used to manage customer information such as given name, purchased clothing, and other facts.
  • Garment database: It is necessary to periodically rationalize the information on the clothes that are available in the store.
  • Supplier database: This system allows for the storage of supplier information such as name, contact information, and other specifics.
  • Report generation: This project makes it incredibly simple to produce a thorough report.
  • Bill generation: This project can be used to produce the bills for the clothes that clients have purchased.
  • Sales: This Boutique Management System project makes it simple to update all of the transactions that occurred on a specific day or month.

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