In the current system used, many people doubts after transferring their things until it reach to the destination. Since they did not have any follow-up connection, their doubts has reason. It seems like throwing money to the sky and then fly with the wind. Sometime a car may have stack while the journey continue. This will also continue being big problem because of delay. Sometimes the thefts occur or your goods transferred in wrong destination.
As the solution of this problem, we try to build the system "courier tracking transfer" where you will receive the message that include all information such as of your goods or package, driver info and vehicle plate. This will help the receiver and the transmitter. At the package, cover there would be a tracking device banned in badge. This will help a transmitter in follow-up of packages. Whenever the stack happen, you have to call to the courier and check for that. When the journey is starting, you will track your products. This will help you to control whether your goods or products are in real direction toward the destination.
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