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Drunk driving detection - Safe driving IOT project

Drunk driving detection - Safe driving IOT project
The main purpose behind this project is “DRUNK DRIVING DETECTION”. Now a day’s many accidents happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the car. The drunk driving is a major reason of accident in almost all countries all over the world. Alcohol detection in car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car.

This project should be installed inside the vehicle. In this project, we have developed an automatic engine locking system. The input for the system is alcoholic breath. The controller waits for the output from the alcohol sensor. Here a stimulating process is activated using a dc motor through the freewheeling diode & complete process is under the supervision of an intelligent Atmega 328microcontroller. Even though efficient setup requirements have been adopted for the traditional methods, where in this process this could be a better idea of interesting the complete state of the art design into the system. Most the traditional systems are likely to be more dependent on the operator and may fail due to various factors like battery life, power consumption as well as the unavoidable external disturbances.

drunk driving detection- safe driving IOT project

Thus drunk driving is a major reason for accidents in almost all countries all over the world. The alcohol detector in car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car. If there are many traces of alcohol above the set limit then the engine will be locked by the system and at the same time the buzzer will be on so, that we can avoid accidents.

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