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Intelligent management system for streetlight

The main objective of this research is to assess the importance of using an automated streetlight management and monitoring system. This research seeks to contribute in REG’s management and monitoring of streetlight. The information obtained through the research will assist different organizations in energy sector, policy makers and project stakeholders in the improvement of streetlight management and operations. The goal of this study is to determine ways to make the current streetlight better. Here in Rwanda, it has been noted that streetlights, one of the key indicators of smart cities, still require substantial development as one of a city's highest energy costs. The management and monitoring of street lights in our nation currently faces some difficulties, which results in subpar management. According to the REG/EUCL document "Street Lighting Guidelines in Rwanda" (EUCL, 2016).

The study's findings suggested that an intelligent streetlight management system is required to enhance the current management and monitoring of street lights in order to conserve more energy and to make maintenance easier. This will increase energy efficiency and make it easier to find and maintain defective bulbs. First, in terms of energy conservation, this study found that the suggested system uses less energy by turning down the lights or dimming the bulbs when there is no traffic, which reduces traffic congestion and pedestrian and vehicle movement throughout the night. Second, the study demonstrated that the proposed system can identify each bulb's location and state, including whether it is healthy or defective, when it comes to the maintenance procedure.

In contrast to the current scenario, this will let the street light maintenance engineers swiftly locate the defective bulb. It has academic ramifications, the thesis. It offers a thorough grasp of smart street light management, which has received little attention in Rwandan academic literature because most research have been conducted in other nations (USA, Europe and Asia). The thesis will also benefit practice. The results of this study will aid the streetlight management team and operators in improving maintenance of defective bulbs or other components, cutting down on the amount of time it takes to locate a defective streetlight, and lowering power consumption as well.

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