Internet of things is one of the rapidly growing fields for delivering social and economic benefits for emerging and developing economy. The field of IOT is expanding its wings in all the domains like medical, industrial, transportation, education, mining etc. Now-days with the advancement in integrated on chip computers like Arduino, Raspberry pi the technology is reaching the ground level with its application in climate change and weather changes. Climate change is a critical factor while culturing atmospheric conditions. Weather status might be a basic issue, it mainly depends upon numerous parameters like dissolved oxygen, carbonates, ammonia, winds, humidity, Air quality, temperature, etc.
The proposed system continuously monitors the Weather status parameter using sensors; the detected information is conveyed to the population mobile via the cloud. Accordingly, actions will be taken in time to know the weather status of user choice location and plan for his/her diary work safely. Among the issues, the slow latent period within the care of human actions, and therefore the wastage of resources like water, in cultivation are the necessary problems has to be addressed.
The system proposed includes of sensors measuring important weather parameters for monitoring the greenhouse gases on temperature change. The measured values from the sensors are compared with the established data and an alert message is processed in the form of Pop_Up message through web server
This project entitled ''IOT BASED FOOD GRAIN MONITORING''. In this project, a NodeMCU microcontroller is integrated with multiple sensors, including a gas sensor, DHT sensor, and two load cell sensors, as well as control for air conditioning and heating systems. The NodeMCU monitors temperature a...
Read more>>This report is a product of project entitled "Automatic photovoltaic solar panel cleaning system" The aim of this project is to design an innovative cleaning solution for photovoltaic solar panels in solar power plants. The accumulation of dust and debris on solar cells significantly reduces the eff...
Read more>>Drivers who are drowsy or tired present a serious danger to other drivers on the road because they are less vigilant and are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel. The lack of an effective real-time system that can consistently identify warning signs of driver fatigue and quickly issue alarms to p...
Read more>>Traditional gate opening methods involve manual operation, often requiring users to exit their vehicles, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming. These methods are also vulnerable to security threats and lack automation capabilities. The "Smart Gate Automatic Operated based on IoT" project add...
Read more>>This research, present the operation, construction, design and fabrication of the OFF-ROAD WHEELCHAIR OF DISABLED TOURIST. In general, for access to public buildings, it is frequently necessary to adapt older buildings with features such as ramps, elevators in order to allow access by wheelchair use...
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