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IoT Based Customer Satisfaction Machine

As high satisfaction leads to greater customer retention, higher lifetime value, and a stronger brand reputation. Do companies or institutions have a good way to know if their customers are satisfied or not. Poor customer service can affect the present and future sales standards, it can also negatively impact a business in a variety of ways which results in fewer customers which translates into lower sales and profits for business, In order to improve company productivity or strong brand company reputation, company must know which level the customers are satisfied with the business, According to the literature review IoT has an impact on customer service and companies and institutions will need to know more about how the customers respond to the services they provided and also it will be good for companies to receive feedback from their customers.

As a result, IoT Based Customer Satisfaction Machine was built. The machine is composed of three push buttons: The first button is a Green button that is pressed when the customer is fully satisfied, the second one is the yellow button that is pressed when the customer is medium satisfied, and the third one is the red button that is also pressed when the customer isn’t satisfied.    

This work is based on the concept of a “Low-cost, low-power IoT based Customer Satisfaction Machine” in the prospect of Rwanda institutions and business services. In this approach, we put forward the design of an IoT embedded device for customer satisfaction which is like a suggestion box where the customer may send their feedbacks regarding of services they offered.  PIR sensor was used to sense when a customer comes near the machine and also help to save power, and LCD was used to display a message to the user, while the system waiting for the customer, the system is set in power-down mode, 

The customer will have an option to select the department he is alerting and will also choose one of the given feedback he/she is alerting, After a successful suggestion submission is made the status of the LED is updated to turn on and the alert will be sent to the cloud for analysis, also when customer press Red button which say that he or she doesn’t satisfied with the service the message will be sent to the cloud and also the SMS will be send to the mobile  phone number of institution in real-time to and also the data will be sent to the Database for future analysis, Web dashboard was  developed to facilitate customer care agent (administrator) to interact with the customer satisfactions feedbacks, the machine will operate 24 hours per day, the ultimate goal is to introduce a cost-effective low cost, low power customer satisfaction machine solution for the business company and government institutions by enhancing the customer feedback  as well as enhancing company productivity.

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