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Online Furniture Shop Php Project

It is an online furniture store where customers may browse the selection of furniture and make purchases. The project offers a list of furniture items that are online and available in a variety of models and designs. These products can be browsed by the user based on categories. The consumer has the option to add a product to his shopping basket if he likes it. Before making a purchase, a user must register on the website so that he can return later and login with the same username and password.

The user is free to choose any payment method he wants, including a credit card or cash on delivery. Once the transaction is successful, the user receives a copy of the shopping receipt at his email address. Here, the entire frontend was created using framework. The code-behind or middle-tier model is created in C#. SQL also acts as a backend for storing furniture catalogs and inventory information. As a result, the effort to bring a whole furniture store online makes it simple for both buyers and sellers to transact in furniture.

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