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Smart Attendance system by using RFID card

Smart Attendance system by using RFID card

In this century has shown tremendous advance and rapid change in technology, where the world is going in digital system. Many researchers are concentrating on how they can be part of the above stated changes; the work presented in this report focuses on the use of electronic system to make job easy as one of the new trend in technology. This work aims at designing Smart Attendance system by using RFID card in such a way that all the records of the employees are displayed to the manager of the company automatically via local database. The idea behind this work came from the fact that Construction Company makes attendances of employees manually which require much time and create conflict between supervisor and company manager.


We implemented “Smart Attendance system by using RFID card” in order to make attendances easily and reliance between supervisor and company manager, but this system cannot be fixed alone without the security guard on the gate who will make sure that none will use two cards for making the attendance of someone who is not around.

All employees of the company should have a smart card called RFID card which can be used at the gate for attendance; the system is equipped with a smart card reader which reads the information in the card stored on database and will display it on the LCD display, various components were used to accomplish this work which include a microcontroller which is programmed through Arduino IDE, we use printed circuit board for helping to connect component, we use also LCD for displaying, we need also the supply for giving the power of our system. Therefore, the system is very suitable for all construction company.

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