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Smart energy monitoring and control system for traditional factories

Due to the constant use of various electric and electronic loads in homes and businesses, there is a rising demand for electric energy. With the requirement for an immediate rise in electric energy, especially in traditional factories, coupled with its monitoring parameters and control systems, this has raised a worry that needs to be addressed in many developed and emerging nations. In order to advance energy consumption reduction and transform conventional factories into smart factories, real-time energy consumption monitoring techniques and control systems are urged. In the conventional industries, an electric energy monitoring system has been employed for end uses including process scheduling and billing. 

The development of smarter energy management systems, using embedded technologies, is mandated by the rising demand, particularly in the energy-intensive industrial sectors. Industrial end users must be aware of their energy usage in order to cut expenses, enhance firm sustainability, and schedule production lines based on relevant feedback. Embedded systems for energy monitoring and control systems can be used to improve the efficiency of industrial machinery and to minimize energy expenses by optimizing industrial operations. Due to a lack of knowledge and experience in real-time energy monitoring systems to collect and analyse both energy and power quality data in real-time using embedded computing, smart electric energy monitoring has been neglected for traditional factories. Real-time data capture and analysis are now very feasible, practical, and dependable because to the emergence of disruptive technologies like the Internet of Things, machine learning, and Big Data. A low-cost Arduino microcontroller, an unobtrusive split-core current transformer, a relay module, and a voltage transformer are the design pillars of the system. The created system's sensor data showed that the prototype could accurately and successfully record RMS voltage and current, actual and perceived power, power factor, and energy. Traditional factories can have an overview of their energy consumption with the proposed monitoring system, which could lower energy prices, lower carbon emissions and environmental harm, and raise the factory's profit margin.

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