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Timetable Management System

Having a good and clear timetable is the best key to success in the academic calendar. All schools, colleges, and universities use the timetable in each academic year, planning for the timetable takes much time and a lot of stress, which sometimes leads to having one planned for two classes at the same time. A well-planned timetable helps the teacher and the students a lot, it helps the teacher so that all the teachers have only one class to attend at a time and all the courses are also well planned so that no course should be planned attended at the same time by one class and with the same teacher.

As described above, a clear timetable helps the students and the teacher to use the class without conflicts or mismanagement. Even though, most schools are still using manual strategies while planning for the timetable, which takes much time and sometimes gives some errors when planning a teacher for two classes at the same time or when planning the course with more than it should or less than it should be.

The system titled "Timetable management system", is designed to help while planning for the timetable for the new academic calendar. This system uses the designed technology to automatically generate the timetable according to the given courses, levels, or classes, teachers specified for those courses, hours the course should take in a week, and the days of the week planned to attend class in a week. When the system has all the input data required, it generates the timetable automatically, which is faster with no stress.

This system also plans the exam timetable according to the courses, classes, and available days for the exam. By using this system, it will be easy to plan every timetable required in every school, as it is able to generate the timetable according to the data given. One of the schools can provide a few courses to plan for the timetable other can have many courses and all the days from Monday to Friday are free to plan for exams while other schools only take 3 days a week. This system is responsible for all everything and can respond always according to the data from the school.

Additionally, students using this system will easily be able to find the room where they will attend the exam. Students will use the class and see the room, day, time, and supervisor for the examination room.

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