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5V Active Buzzer

RWF 700 RWF 500

Buzzer is an active buzzer which basically means that it will buzz at a predefined frequency on its own even when you just apply steady DC power.

Product Description

Buzzer is an active buzzer which basically means that it will buzz at a predefined frequency on its own even when you just apply steady DC power.


  • Rated Voltage:5V

  • Operating Voltage:4-8V

  • Max rated current:?32mA

  • Min sound output at 10 cm:80dB

  • Resonant frequency:2300�300Hz

  • Operating temperature:-200C to 450C

  • Dimensions:9.16mmx11.78mm16g(HxDxW)



  • Electrical alarms

  • Joy buzzer

  • Sporting events such as basketball games

  • Judging Panels

Package include


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