D2-1 Intelligent tracking car kit
RWF 10,000
The smart kit is designed based on the principle of infrared sensor and light reflectivity difference when the light emitting on the white and black items, The red LED emit the red light, then light will be reflected to the photoresistor, the circuit will detect the resistance to detect if the car on the white area and to regulate its running direction automatically. There is no programming involved, and all of the soldering is beginner-friendly, making it perfect for budding electronic enthusiasts.
Product Description
Package Include
- Voltage Comparator:LM393
- IC Socket:8Pin
- Electrolytic Capacitor:100uF
- Adjustable Resistor:10K
- Color Ring Resistor:3K ohm
- Color Ring Resistor:51 ohm
- Color Ring Resistor:1K ohm
- Color Ring Resistor:10 ohm
- Photoresistor:CDS5
- LED:
- Triode 8550
- Switch
- Reduction Motor:JD3-100
- Car Wheel Piece
- Silica Gel:25*2.5mm
- Car Wheel Screw:M3x10mm
- Car Wheel Screw Nut:M3
- Hub Screw:2*7mm
- Universal Wheel Screw:M5x30mm
- Universal Wheel Screw Nut:M5
- Universal Wheel:M5
- PCB:D2-1
- Connection Wires
- Battery Case:Black
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