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L298N Motor Driver

RWF 4,000

L298N Dual Stepper Motor Driver is a dual motor controller board that allow you to control the direction and speed of two DC motor or one stepper motor.

Product Description

L298N Dual Stepper Motor Driver is a dual motor controller board that allow you to control the direction and speed of two DC motor or one stepper motor.


  • Controls two DC motors @2A max per DC motor, or one stepper motor

  • Driver:L298N Dual H bridge

  • Driver input voltage:5V-35V

  • Local voltage:5V

  • Chip:L298N

  • Logical current:0mA-36mA

  • Driver current:2A

  • Storage temperature:-200C to +1350C

  • Maximum power dissipation: 20W@75 degree Celsius

  • Control signal input level: High level 2.3V <= Vin <= Vss; Low: -0.3V <= Vin <= 1.5V


L298N can be used to made by ST company to control a chip,

Packages include

1x L298N Module for arduino

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