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LM2904N ? Operational Amplifier,1 MHz, 2 Amplifier, ? 1.5V to ? 13V, DIP, 8 Pins

RWF 1,000

LM2904N Operation Amplifier consist of two independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltage.

Product Description

LM2904N Operation Amplifier consist of two independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltage.


  • Internally Frequency Compensated for Unity Gain

  • Large DC Voltage Gain: 100dB

  • LM2904 : 3V~26V (or �1.5V ~ 13V)

  • Input Common Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground

  • Large Output Voltage Swing: 0V DC to Vcc -1.5V DC

  • Power Drain Suitable for Battery Operation.

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