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ULN2003 Motor Driver IC

RWF 1,000

ULN2003 IC is one of the most commonly used Motor driver IC. This IC comes in handy when we need to drive high current loads using digital logic circuits like Op-maps, Timers, Gates, Arduino, PIC, ARM etc.

Product Description

For example a motor that requires 9V and 300mA to run cannot be powered by an Arduino I/O hence we use this IC to source enough current and voltage for the load.


  • Contains 7 high-voltage and high current Darlington pairs

  • Each pair is rated for 50V and 500mA

  • Input pins can be triggered by +5V

  • All seven Output pins can be connected to gather to drive loads up to (7�500mA) ~3.5A.

  • Can be directly controlled by logic devices like Digital Gates, arduino, PIC etc

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