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WeMos D1 Wi-Fi Uno based ESP8266 shield

RWF 11,500

WeMo D1 Wi-FiUno based ESP8266 shield is a development board based on ESP8266 12E. The functioning is similar to NODEMCU, except that hardware is built resembling Arduino Uno. The D1 board can be configured to work on the Arduino environment.

Product Description

WeMo D1 Wi-Fi Uno based ESP8266 shield is a development board based on ESP8266 12E. The functioning is similar to NODEMCU, except that hardware is built resembling Arduino Uno. The D1 board can be configured to work on the Arduino environment.


  • Microcontroller: ESP-8266.Ex

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V

  • Digital I/O Pins: 11

  • Analog Input Pins: 1

  • Clock speed: 80MGHZ/160MGHZ

  • Flash: 1Mb bytes


  • IoT home automation

  • Security Alarm

  • Internet smoked alarm

  • Incubator controller

Package includes

1x WeMo D1 Wi-Fi Uno based ESP8266 shield

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