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Arduino-Powered Proximity Sensing Radar

Arduino-Powered Proximity Sensing Radar
This project aims to develop a simple radar system using Arduino, incorporating a variety of electronic components including an ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, LED, LCD display, and a servo motor. The primary objective is to detect objects within a defined range and provide visual and auditory alerts.

Components and Functions: Arduino Microcontroller: Serves as the central control unit for processing data from the ultrasonic sensor and controlling the output devices. Ultrasonic Sensor: Measures the distance to objects by emitting ultrasonic waves and detecting the reflected signals. Servo Motor: Rotates the ultrasonic sensor to scan the surrounding area, creating a radar-like sweeping effect. LCD Display: Provides a visual interface to display distance readings and object positions. LED: Lights up to indicate the presence of an object within a critical range. Buzzer: Emits a sound to alert when an object is detected within a predefined proximity. Jumpers: Used to connect the components to the Arduino board for communication and power supply.

Operation: The ultrasonic sensor, mounted on the servo motor, rotates to cover a 180-degree area. As it sweeps, it continuously measures distances to nearby objects. The Arduino processes these measurements to determine if an object is within a critical range. If an object is detected, the Arduino triggers the LED and buzzer to provide immediate feedback. The distance and position of the object are displayed on the LCD screen for real-time monitoring.

Applications: This radar system can be used for various applications, including proximity alert systems, obstacle detection in robotics, and basic surveillance systems. It provides a foundation for understanding radar technology and can be expanded with additional features for more complex tasks.

In summary, this project integrates multiple components to create a functional radar system, demonstrating the principles of distance measurement, data processing, and output control using Arduino.

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