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Smart miner helmet and monitoring system - IOT Project

The usage of technology in Rwanda's mining industry has made it difficult to avoid deaths in mines; it is for this reason that miner safety from threats outside and inside mining tunnels is critical. The process of mining minerals underground is fraught with dangers such as high concentrations of gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous gases, carbon dioxide, changes in temperature, moisture, and airflow, and other hazards such as cave collapse, leaking of toxic gases, humidity, and temperature change, all of which can lead to death if not reported on time.

The development of an IoT solution known as Smart miner helmet and monitoring system allows for real-time communication and monitoring between miners in the underground site and control room administrators for all levels of substances from the subsurface by using sensors on microcontrollers embedded within the miner's helmet. Using technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless networks, cloud computing, and the data processing server, this entire system proposed to develop a SMART MINER HELMET AND MONITORING SYSTEM to assist miners in improving the way mines are used safely by using sensors to monitor various levels of gas, humidity, temperature, and hazards.

The proposed system will provide information regarding miner conditions, specifically gas levels, humidity, and temperature, and will assist miners and supervisors in making informed decisions. To measure the gas levels, logistic regression, decision tree classifier, and k-nearest classifier were used, and the best model was Decision Tree, which was 84% accurate, 61% precise, and 62% recall.

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