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IOT based food grain warehouse monitoring

 IOT based food grain warehouse monitoring
This project entitled ''IOT BASED FOOD GRAIN MONITORING''. In this project, a NodeMCU microcontroller is integrated with multiple sensors, including a gas sensor, DHT sensor, and two load cell sensors, as well as control for air conditioning and heating systems. The NodeMCU monitors temperature and humidity levels, and when predefined thresholds are exceeded, it triggers actions such as sending an emergency message and activating the appropriate HVAC system. Additionally, the system can detect smoke and promptly send an emergency alert. All sensor data is collected and transmitted to ThingSpeak, an IoT platform, for remote monitoring, and the information is displayed on an LCD screen for local visualization.

In general, the agriculture industry's warehouse is regarded as the important sector for maintaining food security. In the past, there were antiquated ways for storing foods and grains that necessitated high physical labor, which was time-consuming and not efficient. Once food and grains are gathered, they begin to deteriorate. Harvested yields must be stored in a location that ensures that the yield has access to high-quality, safe, and nutritious food. Food waste reduction is one of the most important aspects of improving food security. Foods are protected in a warehouse from loss and damage caused by extreme moisture, heat, wind, dust and cold. 

The primary goal is to keep the crop in good shape for the maximum period. Crop storage is one of the tasks of warehousing, and crop protection and risk management are critical factors. Furthermore, it guards against catastrophes such as theft or loss. According to a study, the greater the temperature, the lower the grain moisture should be in order to ensure excellent crop conservation. Food loses weight slowly as a result of the high temperature and eventually becomes wrinkled and rotting. High moisture content causes problems since it fosters the growth of fungus and insects. Food grains could be lost due to a lack of suitable handling. 

As a result, a significant amount of money is lost. The main objective of this project is to develop an Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled Warehouse Traceability System that will offer real-time moisture, temperature, and other parameter data at a lower cost, enabling real-time monitoring. Additionally, it makes ranches easier to store and minimizes the number of workers. The installation of hardware using software platforms has allowed for the study and validation of several elements, including smoke sensor, temperature sensor, LDR, humidity sensor, and fire sensor.

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