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ADS 1115 Analog to Digital Converter Module

RWF 8,000

ADS1115 is an analog-to-digital converter module with a 16-bit resolution. It is a low-power device and operates at a voltage range of 2.0-5.5V. The ADS1115 IC oscillator and communicated to a microcontroller using the I2C communication protocol. It also includes a programmable gain amplifier up to x16, which helps to scale up small/differential signals to the full range.

Product Description


  • Supply voltage range: 2-5.5V

  • 16-bit ADC

  • Continuous current consumption: 150uA

  • I2C interface

  • Internal Oscillator

  • Programmable data rate: 8SPS to 860SPS

  • 860 samples/second over I2C

  • 16-Bit I2C ADC Development Board Analog to Digital Converter Module ADS1115 is an analog-to-digital

Applications of ADS1115

  • Can be used as a Comparator

  • Used for Battery monitoring systems


Why use an ADS1115 ADC Module

All the controllers have an ADC(analog-to-digital converters) as the microcontrollers only understand a digital signal. So to convert an incoming analog signal into a digital signal to be read by an MCU, an ADC is required. Now, the existing ADC�s in the microcontroller boards are not as precise and scalable as you would want them to be as the resolution of those ADC are not that good. Where modules like ADS1115 come into play.

An Arduino, for example, has a 10-bit ADC which can provide us an analog output from a range of 0 to 1023. Using a high-resolution ADC, like 16-bit ADS1115 opens up a scope to read out analog data with much higher precision and a scale of up to 65536(65000 approx). This means, even if the input signal is of a smaller level, it can be scaled onto this range and provide more precise and accurate results.

The module also has a PGA(Programmable Gain Amplifier) feature which allows us to multiply the very small analog signal values by a variable and obtain a higher signal value. For example, if a small signal of about 1mV is to be read, now if we use this feature we can multiply the input value of 1mV to a variable and obtain a higher value which can be precisely read as an output.

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