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Hall Sensor Module for Arduino

RWF 4,000

The output of the module goes high in the presence of a magnetic field and it becomes low in the absence of a magnetic field. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted using a potentiometer.

Product Description

Hall Effect sensor module is used to detect the presence of a magnetic field. The output of the module goes high in the presence of a magnetic field and it becomes low in the absence of a magnetic field. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted using a potentiometer.


  • Operating Voltage: 5V DC

  • Digital Output 0V or 5V direct interface to a Microcontrollerwith LED indication

  • Sensor: Allegro A3144 Hall-effect switch

  • LM393 comparator with threshold preset

  • PCB Size: 32x12mm

  • Detector type: Magnetic Sensing Hall effect

  • Detecting range: 7 mm LM393 based design

  • Easy to use with Microcontrollers or even with normal Digital/Analog IC

  • Small, cheap and easily available

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