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IRFZ44N N-Channel Power MOSFET

RWF 1,000

IRFZ44N is a N-channel MOSFET with a high drain current of 49A and low Rds value of 17.5 m?. It also has a low threshold voltage of 4V at which the MOSFET will start conducting.

Product Description

IRFZ44N is a N-channel MOSFET with a high drain current of 49A and low Rds value of 17.5 m?. It also has a low threshold voltage of 4V at which the MOSFET will start conducting.


  • Small signal N-Channel MOSFET

  • Continuous Drain Current (ID) is 49A at 25�C

  • Pulsed Drain Current (ID-peak) is 160A

  • Minimum Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) is 2V

  • Maximum Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) is 4V

  • Gate-Source Voltage is (VGS) is �20V (max)

  • Maximum Drain-Source Voltage (VDS) is 55V

  • Rise time and fall time is about 60ns and 45ns respectively.

  • It is commonly used with Arduino, due to its low threshold current.


  • Switching high power devices

  • Control speed of motors

  • LED dimmers or flashers

  • High Speed switching applications

  • Converters or Inverter circuits


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