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PICKit 2 Programming Adapter

RWF 10,000

PICkit2 Development Programmer/Debugger (LPPK2-PG164120) is a development tool with an easy to use interface for programming and debugging Microchip's Flash families of microcontrollers.

Product Description

In-Circuit-Debugging runs halts and single steps the program while the PIC microcontroller is embedded in the application.

Instructions for use

Installing the microcontroller, 28-pin, 40-pin microcontroller left aligned 28/40P (A) This
flag line short-circuit cap on the A position.

The 8,14,18,20-pin microcontroller aligned on the left 8P/14P/18P/20P flag line (B),
shorting cap on the B position.

The ICD2, KIT2, KIT3 crystal head or 6Pin Block programming connection for
programming the programming operation. (Note: a separate program of the seat can not
be programmed the chip is programmed functions)

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