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Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3

RWF 20,000.00

Product Description

Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 has equipped a highly integrated ESP32-C3 chip, built around a 32-bit RISC-V chip processor with a four-stage pipeline that operates at up to 160 MHz.

The board equips highly integrated ESP32-C3 SoC. The chip has been installed with a complete 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi subsystem which means it supports Station mode, SoftAP mode, SoftAP & Station mode, and promiscuous mode for multiple Wi-Fi applications. It works under an ultra-low power state, also supporting features of Bluetooth 5 and Bluetooth mesh. There are 400 KB SRAM & 4 MB Flash on the chip, allowing for more programming space, and bringing more possibilities to the IoT control scenarios.


  • Processor: esp32-C3 SoC

  • Wireless: Complete 2.4 GHZ Wi-Fi subsystem and Bluetooth 5.0/Bluetooth Mesh

  • On-chip memory: 400 KB SRAM & 4 MB Flash

  • Power: -Circuit operating voltage:3.3V

-Charging current:50 mA/100 mA

-Input voltage (VIN):5V

  • Outstanding RF performance: Powerful ESP32-C3 SoC and U. FL antenna provided that supports Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connection over 100 m.

  • Deep sleep power consumption: Deep sleep model:>44?A

  • Wi-Fi Enabled power consumption: -Active model:<75 mA.

-Modem-sleep model:<25 mA

-Light-sleep model:<4 mA

  • Thumb-size Design:21 x 17.5 mm overall dimension, portable and lightweight.

  • Low power consumption: Lowest as 44 ?A (deep sleep mode), with 4 working modes available.

  • Onboard battery charge IC:Supports battery charging, great for various wearable scenarios and wireless IoT applications.

BLE Enabled Power Consumption: -Modem-sleep model:<27 mA.

-Light sleep model:<10 mA


  • Internet of Things

  • Wearable devices

  • Health monitoring

  • Education

  • Low-Power (LP) networking

  • Rapid prototyping

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