RWF 3,000
TMP36 temperature sensor is an easy way to measure temperature using an Arduino! The sensor can measure a fairly wide range of temperature (-50�C to 125�C), is fairly precise (0.1�C resolution), and is very low cost, making it a popular choice.
Product Description
- Low voltage operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
- Calibrated directly in �C
- 10 mV/�C scale factor (20 mV/�C on TMP37)
- �2�C accuracy over temperature (typ)
- �0.5�C linearity (typ)
- Stable with large capacitive loads
- Specified ?40�C to +125�C, operation to +150�C
- Less than 50 �A quiescent current
- Shutdown current 0.5 �A max Low self-heating
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