In most cases, people use gas when cooking. When people looking for gas, they go to the market, where they can find it, and take one after payment. Sometime, on the market there is a person who help the client to carry the gas at home when paid but in most cases there no way you can order the gas online or using smartphone so that the client can order the gas as quick as possible especial when the gas is out in middle of cooking.
In every district, sector, cell and the village, it was found that people need the quick service of the gas delivery as the use of gas in being encouraged in many people to be used, to help reduce the climate change effects.
In this project, we proposed a system, which will help people from everywhere to order the gas. This system will help the trader to know where exactly the client is located, the number of the battle of the gas, and the kilograms of the battle the client ordered. After the client has confirmed the payment, the trader will deliver the gas to the exact place client select in the system and the place will be display on google map so that the delivery will not delay or miss the place.
The client will be able to see if the order has confirmed and if the trader has starting the journal of delivering the gas, the client will see the contact of the person who is delivering the package in order to call if required or for any question that bother the client.
Friend indeed is a friend in need; this means that a friend who helps you when you really need help is a true friend. The same as employment, when someone is paid to work for a company or organization it is like a help come in real time. As the youth who has energy and time for working without being...
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