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IoT base smart water leakage detection system

In life, water is a valuable resource. Water is essential for life and is utilized for a variety of activities in daily life. This device was developed to detect a pipe leak and maintain it directly in a short period of time. In order to prevent problems, it is crucial to have real-time management over water leakage. This will be accomplished by implementing a system that will find water distribution pipe leaks.

It is made up of water flow sensors mounted on the pipe to measure the water flow rate, an Arduino Nano microcontroller to control hardware modules, a power supply, and the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to send messages to the authorities' mobile phones as well as the ability to send email notifications. This project seeks to develop a water leakage monitoring system for plastic water supply pipelines utilizing the internet of things (IoT) in the Building in order to maintain the availability of water in the toilets used by students and employees due to the building's large size.

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