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Women Safety Night Patrolling Robot - Arduino

Nowadays Women Safety is the biggest concern in many parts of the world. There is still a fear in alone areas for women as well as men. So here we propose a security patrolling robot using Raspberry PI. The system uses cameras and mic mounted on robotic vehicle for securing any premises. The robotic vehicle moves at particular path and is equipped with camera and sound sensors. It uses a predefined line to follow its path while patrolling. It stops at particular points and moves to next points if sound is detected. The system uses IR based path following system for patrolling assigned area.  Using a combination of two HD cameras, it watches each region to find any issues.

It can keep an eye on the building's noise level. Robot hears Any sound after a quiet place begins to take the path of the sound along a predetermined path. Then, it scans the surroundings with its camera to detect for any human faces. It immediately begins to take and transmit photographs of the situation to the IOT website.

For receiving sent photos and showing them to the user with alert noises in this case, we use IOT Gecko. So, to secure the facility, we propose a totally autonomous security robot that works nonstop and covers enormous regions by itself.

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